Wyred 4 Sound Class D Mono blocks SX 1000 question

These Amps are from the year 2011. Although they sound good I am wondering if they are obsolete ?
I owned a pair of the SX 1000 mono-blocks and they are good amps, with that said remember there is always going to be something that has more dynamics and sounds better. If you like what you hear relax and enjoy the music.
i have the w4s  st 1000  amp since   2012   same amp only  in one chassis  it powers magnepan 20.7 's  just beautifully  I  have no desire to  change   I get off on the music every session   powerful  ( 565 /   1130  @  4ohm )  smooth  detailed  sound  fills a 27' by 20'  room effortlessly   best $2,000. I ever spent    obsolete  I don't think so   enjoy
I've been listening to the ST1000 amp for years and it is a fantastic amp: explosive dynamics, layered soundstage, velvety midrange, kick ass bass. Personally, I prefer to put my money into expanding my CD collection rather than a new amp every couple of years just to achieve some subjective (?imaginary) improvement in the sound. I would stack the ST1000 against any solid state amp with confidence.
"Obsolete" in what way?  I have a Wyred ST-1000 MKII (and had a ST-500).  They are great amps and as cool as they run it seems like they should last a good long time.