I think it would be an improvement, but it is limited in gain, so you'll have to deal with that part. The Wright is a real nice phono stage for the money.
wright WPP100C Phono Preamplifier
ive heard many great things about this pre and i have some questions. i would be using with a scout and glider. presently, i have a glider l2, but my understanding is that without a step up this might not work so well, so i would probably use either the m2 or h2. would this represent a significant improvemnt over the musical surroundings phenomena phono, which im using now? also, i'm biamping a nad c370 integrated and c270 power amp. is using a tube phono ok with this set up? and in general , what are the thoughts of folks here who have used or are using this phono?
thanks in advance!
thanks in advance!