Wright WPP100C Phono Preamp Died

Are there any common problems withe the Wright just failing to turn on? it’s ten years old so I don’t begrudge the failure, I’m just wondering if there is a common problem that I can relate to who ever fixes the amp?

I am wondering if it could be as simple as changing the fuse? What’s the fuse for anyway? I am not ashamed of my ignorance!


Thanks for the replies. I'm going to check the fuse. Also, I've played around with the tubes quite a bit. It was a working fine one day, not working the next sort of thing.

Ten years without rolling tubes. I'd love to have that sort of patience or satisfaction!

I was at a local repair shop in seattle asking questions about my wright phono ag and the shop owner gave me rogers number (I wasn't sure if I should bother him), quite a coincidence to see his name and number here the next day associated with wright products
I'd second the recommendation for Roger Hug - he does fine work and is very familiar with Wright's work. Also, do check the fuse. This is a silly question, but given that you asked about the fuse, have you checked all the tubes to make sure that it's not one of the tubes? I assume you haven't run the same tubes for the past ten years, have you?
I pulled this off of the Asylum

"I have a viable contact in Seattle Washington, Roger Hug, (206)0789-2385 who is thoroughly familiar with Georges (Wright) products, should servicing ever need to be performed. Should you desire to contact him he requests no calls prior to 11:00 AM PST.
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