Wow and flutter Rega P7 and P9, anyone measure?

I measured on a Rega P5 using an AP test LP "wow and flutter" which is a 3150 Hz tone with a Fluke Multimeter connected to the speaker terminals. I noticed the frequency varied between 3145 and 3155 Hz (estimating since I dont know how fast the digital readout is sampling). Would the wow and flutter be estimated at 10/3150 = 0.32%? This was using the standard Rega belt (black) and stock subplatter.

With the use of two belts on the P7 and P9 has anyone taken direct wow and flutter measurments? Wondering if the results were lower?

thank you
-Theron Day

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... I am thinking of purchasing a vpi classic instead of the Rega.

Smart choice. Rega's are over-rated IMO.