Wow an old album that rocked your world

I know this is a Hifi forum but isn’t it about the music as well. Has anyone recently played a
Vinyl, disc or whatever you are into. One that you forgot was so good and totally was blown away by the music and the recording? If so share it with us. Mine was Mahavishnu orchestra Birds of Fire. Have not listened to that for some time. Wow. FORGOT HOW GOOD THAT WAS. 
This is what Hifi is all about IMO. 

Showing 2 responses by nitrobob


Trick of the Tail is just about the top of my list also. I remember the night, after getting home at midnight from 2’nd shift in our local factory, that I first took that album of of the sleeve and put it on my Marantz turntable. I had never heard Genesis before. Someone at work had recently went to their concert ( I was ask to go and didn’t) and I picked up an album "just because". I couldn’t turn it up because of neighbors ,, so I put my headphones on. What I heard was SO DIFFERENT. At the time, so unusual. Kind of dark and misty but so so addictive. Their next one Wind and Weathering is stellar also, but Trick of the Tail takes the prize

For you Pretenders guys, and if you have a multi channel system, pick up Pretenders Live in LA. You will Love it. It's mixed really well and is a killer concert.

Crack The Sky was from right down the road. I just can't believe they didn't make it bigger. Very talented bunch of guys