Wow an old album that rocked your world

I know this is a Hifi forum but isn’t it about the music as well. Has anyone recently played a
Vinyl, disc or whatever you are into. One that you forgot was so good and totally was blown away by the music and the recording? If so share it with us. Mine was Mahavishnu orchestra Birds of Fire. Have not listened to that for some time. Wow. FORGOT HOW GOOD THAT WAS. 
This is what Hifi is all about IMO. 

Showing 1 response by daledeee1

Kraftwerk: several albums/tracks. Their remastered versions are sonically perfect.
Tommy James and the Shondells: Crystal Blue Persuasion Hammond, harmonies, acoustic guitar, echo. Ahead of it’s time?
Peter Gabriel: "So" may not qualify as being old enough but the sonics are tops. And the songs are great as well.
There are so many I better stop here. I think I love music.