Wow .... €50K Headphones ... What next

I didn't think I'll live to see this ... But here it is

Does this mean there is now permission to raise the tide ?!

Showing 4 responses by inna

I don't think they are going to sell it at all - that will be gifts for some very important people.
Schubert, Homo Sapiens is still a very young and undeveloped species. There is a hope that in time it will find less insane ways of living.
But until this happens I would get me Koenigseg Swedish custom sports car for $2 million if I could. I read about it and watched videos, I think it's worth it. I can also see where a lot of resources and innovations went. But I would not spend $1 million on Ferrari, Buggatti, McLaren etc. Nor would I spend $55k on Senheiser phones.
As for farmers, I can never understand them. Maybe it is because in my heart I am a hunter-gatherer.
I think, Mom Nature always has every say. First, last and everything in between.
But you are right, big crisis is brewing, and the level of denial by people is incredible. This Homo is not very Sapiens, at least not yet.
Lake Baikal in Siberia is the greatest fresh water body on earth.
Anyone wants to pay three times more for everything including hi-fi while being on the same income?