Wow, $10k+ cables

I’m a true cables believer. I do believe they can make (significant) improvement to system but $10,000+ for a single power cord or a pair of interconnect? Cmon now

Showing 5 responses by jhills

You weren't specifically invited, if you don't like the thread - stay away...Jim
Actually Roxy, you wasn’t voicing an opinion, you was insulting the OP and others participating. If you don’t like cable threads, you are not obligated to follow or participate in them - just move along to something else that interests you. ;-) ...Jim

While I do believe there is a difference in cables and cables can be system dependent, I will say what I have always said: Everyone is free to spend what they want or what they can on their hobby but the fact is: No where else is there used $1K+ per ft. cables for anything. Not at CERN, not at NASA, not in the recording industry, not in the communications industry - only here in the, sometimes delusional, world of the audiophile is there a such thing as thousands of dollars per foot cords and cables....Jim
@rspyder They are either disgruntled with their lot in life (e.g. a spouse who wears the proverbial pants, a wallet that squeaks so loud they hate to open it, etc.) or their skills of self-persuasion require constant exercising with selfish expectations of indulgence on our part. Not having a fact-based opinion because it's foreclosed by those circumstances, however, doesn't prevent them from expressing their frustration-based comments.

You assume a lot. First I do poo poo the idea of $1K + per ft, cables. Second, I've been happily married for some 45 years now and even though she doesn't share quite the same level of enthusiasm in audio as I, she is quite liberal with my indulgences. 

So that out of the way - it could be that some of us who poo poo these ridiculously high dollar cables and cords have been, or are, in industries that depend on cabers for their livelihoods or produce such cables - none of which, for any purpose, cost thousands of dollars per foot. Not in the performance of the music you listen to, not in the production of the music you listen to, not in the airline industry or even in the air-space industry or in the CERN. To each their own, but not in any other hobby or industry would anyone be gullible enough to spend thousands of dollars per foot for cable or power cords - just keeping it real....Jim