Wow, $10k+ cables

I’m a true cables believer. I do believe they can make (significant) improvement to system but $10,000+ for a single power cord or a pair of interconnect? Cmon now

Showing 5 responses by jafant


Thank You for the report on Nordost. Another +vote for a cable/cord that exhibits detailed, fast- transients (super fast). 

Happy Listening!

Thank You for the report on Ansuz. Whom is your dealer/retailer?
I have been wanting to audition these Cables/Cords. 

Happy Listening!

Right On! I recall your initial writings on the Tchernov.
You are on-target regarding mix-and match cabling, one has to know placement sequence.

Happy Listening!

Best practice- at the $10K level and above, you must visit the dealers/retailers and listen, listen, listen, to the offerings.
Have fun!

Happy Listening!

I can remember when you took delivery of those Tchernov cables.
Good to read about preferring Purist Audio and WyWires.
Too many cables/cords, too little time.

Happy Listening!