So the question was - what is exactly different in $10K streamer as compared to $1K.
@mikhailark You’ve now been told by several experienced people here that things like parts quality, noise reduction, power cables, implementation, etc. matter in streamers. @ghdprentice who’s been in the IT industry for decades described many engineering types he’s worked with as having convinced themselves there’s no way in theory these things should make a difference and just hang their hat on that belief, and you seem to be in that camp. But he also gave you the best advice and that is, rather than just arguing why these things can’t or shouldn’t make a difference just listen — find a way to demo a better streamer and just listen in your own system and you’ll have your answer rather than continually raising this same point over and over based solely on theory.
Vinyl. But you don’t need a $10k rig. That’s simply unnecessary!
So is a Porsche.
There again, in the late 1980’s when I was buying CDs they were $25CDN, which an inflation calculator tells me would be $56CDN today, so used vinyl seems a but more of a bargain!
@dogberry CD sales have fallen off a cliff — down 96% from the peak in 2000 — and are down to where they were in the late 80s. Most new CDs still seem to be in the $13-$17 USD range so pretty inflation resistant, and I can easily find used CDs in good condition on Amazon for well under $10 including delivery (not that I even buy CDs much anymore), and they’ll only become more available as more people switch to streaming. So it’s actually a pretty good time if you still buy CDs.
Right, but I didn't mean that. I explore new music on youtube too.
Not in CD or hi-def quality tho.
That's one problem with digital - nothing to do with it but listen.
That’s not really true — I spend many hours exploring worlds of wonderful new music/artists I’ve never heard before, and then there are all those great playlists I need to go through and choose from. Oh the horror! Heh heh. Funny how one person’s problem can be another person’s gift.
Once you own a streamer, you just plug in and go, there really isn't much involvement. With a TT, you can spend unlimited time and money tinkering with it. Needles, cartridges, pre-amps, tone arms, etc...
@mswale You just reminded me why my TT remains in storage. 😉
My TT aways sounds better over my steamer. The TT is only as good as a source, some records are crap, and a good TT will let you know that. Over the streamer that most stuff sounds the same.
Out of curiosity, how much $$$ do you have invested each in your analog and streaming setups, and what are you using as a streaming service? BTW, I can very easily tell the differences between various recordings of the same material in Qobuz, and I’m only using a $400 iFi Zen Stream (with their iPowerX power supply).
Now, you are changing this to "sounds different". In this case you have to consider the entire chain.
@mikhailark No! My only point from the start was refuting your assertion that there’s no benefit to spending more than $2k on a streamer. That’s just absurd. Period.
I said everyone is free to spend their money the way that want. They are also free to think what they want. They may even disagree with professionals. Their choice. But stream is exactly the same in $1K streamer (actually, in $50 streamer) as it is in $10K streamer.
@mikhailark You keep sidestepping the ultimate point that more expensive streamers can and do sound better. Of course all streamers receive the same bit stream, it’s what they do with it afterwards that makes the difference. So now you’re saying a $50 streamer sounds the same as a $10k streamer? Gimme a break dude.
No, I don’t buy $$$ power cables either. I know physics. What is your point?
@mikhailark My point is simply that more expensive streamers can and do sound much better than a $2k streamer while you think a $2k streamer sounds as good as pricier streamers because you write code and therefore know everything for certain. Again, do you honestly think all the experienced people here who’ve spent >$2k on a streamer because it sounded better are just fools who’ve been duped? Because that’s exactly what you’re saying here.
@mikhailark If you wanna believe a $2k streamer sounds as good as a $6k+ unit from Innuos, Aurender, Grimm, etc., well, suffice it to say you’re in the vast minority here. There are many, many very experienced audiophiles here who’ve happily and enthusiastically upgraded to pricier streamers because they sounded much better, period, no matter what you think about the internet being perfect and Word documents opening without errors — apples and oranges dude. Or, maybe you’re right and all these audiophiles wasted their hard-earned $$$ on fairy dust and that they’re all just kidding themselves that their more expensive streamers actually sound better. Sure, that’s gotta be it. 🤪🙄
When a $10k streamer closes the involvement gap with vinyl I will buy one.
@wlutke It does. There are several people here who now say their streaming setup is the equivalent of their expensive and accomplished vinyl rigs. Talk to @ghdprentice for one. And @mikhailark if you think a $1k - $2k streamer is even in the same ballpark as the better streamers from Aurender, Innuos, Grimm, etc. you’re deluding yourself.