Would you rent a $14,000 DAC for $75 per day?

Would you rent an expensive DAC? I have a lot of expensive gear sitting around unused. That got me thinking... could I rent out my hifi gear when I'm not using it?


For example, Mola Mola Tambaqui is an amazing DAC. Instead of purchasing it new, or used, why not rent it for $75/day for a minimum of 5 days? Plus shipping of course. I'd credit card hold a refundable deposit (about 10% of the component value).


The benefit to this - there are zero obligations to buy. Just pay the rental fees, try it out for as long as you'd like, pack it up in its Pelican case, then return it with an included prepaid shipping label.


The benefit to me - generate some cashflow on my equipment and support my retirement;)


Showing 4 responses by thecarpathian

Renting would be infrequent at best and while you're waiting, value is going down, and every time you send it off chance of damage, losing it, theft go up.


5 day minimum.

Another thought, if it comes back broken, who's at fault? Who's liable, the shipper? The customer?

The forum is full of incidents of Lost, stolen, damaged gear, and that's with a single shipping. But, your circus, your monkeys. Weigh out the pros and cons. Develop a business model and liability contract. Are you going to be a tax paying business entity? 

"Thanks for all the brutal replies. Lots of shade..."

@audio_bidder ,

Sorry no one is coming off all kumbaya for you with posts of positive reinforcement, but these responses are hardly brutal. They’re just apparently not what you wanted to hear. This isn’t unsolicited advice; you asked. Also, no one is throwing shade. No one is ridiculing your idea. If you think its worthwhile, do it. If you don’t, don’t do it. Simple as that. If you still think it’s a good idea, set the wheels in motion. Only way to find out, isn’t there. I'll finish my tough love speech with this; To me, renting out a single dac is like owning a car rental business that has one car. 

@audio_bidder ,

I can certainly respect your decision and your drive to succeed.

You seem to be going into this with more business acumen they you have led on. 

If you do decide to go for it, I wish you nothing but success.