I have been moving the overall dimensions of my homes footprint and room sizes around for some time, with the intention to decide if a Space is able to be incorporated solely for Audio Purposes as the design, but also have allocation for other functions within the home.
The outcome being I could get the Room Dimension Ratios that were adequate for Audio to my knowledge.
There were other requirements that then presented their own difficulties to blend in. Light requirements and the Window Apertures created layout issues.
The additional layout for the other functions to be attributed to the room, added to the complexities to keep the room optimised for Audio purposes.
The above seemed too much of a compromise.
The homes foot print was increased to solely incorporate a space to be solely for audio, meeting all requirements I understand. The outcome being, the layout of the space within the home, becomes a space in the home that is not really attractive through the location and as a room being used within a home, with the appearance of the finished design.
I abandoned the room within the home idea, and am now intending on producing a standalone outside of the home structure, with design to be optimised for Audio purposes, with the room also intended to be a Audio / Visual Space, as well as a outside of the home entertainment area.
For me this is win win, as the space is additional, it does not compromise the internal layout of the home and this is important when designing home renovation. , Producing a external to the home room, has plenty on offer to be found attractive. The Space will be seen as a real bonus to the property, and anybody inheriting will have a space that will be capable of being useful for numerous purposes.
As the footprint of the main home is not substantially increased, the annual charges levied against the home will also be kept to the lower side of the scale. Resulting in approx' £500 - £700 per year at present rates is being saved. These Levies are always incrementally increasing, in a few years a £1000 a year can be saved. Over 10 Years maybe £10K-£12K can have been kept in the coffers. I would Like to think the Outside of the home room is built to being Watertight for £3K-ish.
In my part of the World, using an outdoor space generates only the cost for the structure with no further assessments to produce new levies relating to the properties value, there are many many Mancaves in the UK, a sanctum where Wifey type comments carry very little weight.
Maybe this is worth investigating by others who have such a desire for a dedicated Audio Space.