Would you move to a bigger house if you could just to have a better listening room ?

Let's see how crazy we are.


I have been moving the overall dimensions of my homes footprint and room sizes around for some time, with the intention to decide if a Space is able to be incorporated solely for Audio Purposes as the design, but also have allocation for other functions within the home.

The outcome being I could get the Room Dimension Ratios that were adequate for Audio to my knowledge.

There were other requirements that then presented their own difficulties to blend in. Light requirements and the Window Apertures created layout issues.

The additional layout for the other functions to be attributed to the room, added to the complexities to keep the room optimised for Audio purposes. 

The above seemed too much of a compromise.

The homes foot print was increased to solely incorporate a space to be solely for audio, meeting all requirements I understand. The outcome being, the layout of the space within the home, becomes a space in the home that is not really attractive through the location and as a room being used within a home, with the appearance  of the finished design.

I abandoned the room within the home idea, and am now intending on producing a standalone outside of the home structure, with design to be optimised for Audio purposes, with the room also intended to be a Audio / Visual Space, as well as a outside of the home entertainment area.

For me this is win win, as the space is additional, it does not compromise the internal layout of the home and this is important when designing home renovation. , Producing a external to the home room, has plenty on offer to be found attractive. The Space will be seen as a real bonus to the property, and anybody inheriting will have a space that will be capable of being useful for numerous purposes.

As the footprint of the main home is not substantially increased, the annual charges levied against the home will also be kept to the lower side of the scale. Resulting in  approx' £500 - £700 per year at present rates is being saved. These Levies are always incrementally increasing, in a few years a £1000 a year can be saved. Over 10 Years maybe £10K-£12K can have been kept in the coffers. I would Like to think the Outside of the home room is built to being Watertight for £3K-ish.

In my part of the World, using an outdoor space generates only the cost for the structure with no further assessments to produce new levies relating to the  properties value, there are many many Mancaves in the UK, a sanctum where Wifey type comments carry very little weight. 

Maybe this is worth investigating by others who have such a desire for a dedicated Audio Space.           

Yes, and I did just that.

From being very content in a large, older building on Ft. Lauderdale beach where we were both very happy. I friend convinced me to buy a middle-road DAC and listen to some remastered Grateful Dead at 192Khz-24b....within a year I had acquired 600 watt monoblocks and then dual subs once the house and room were secured with a closing date. A ten month renovation followed and the "end-game" home surpassed my biggest dreams of the perfect listening room, less maybe some treatment panels....can't have it ALL.


My current house was chosen for its price and location. It just happened to have an area for my system that is the best I have ever had.

 17' X 22'  plus pony walls to kitchen and hallway, that increases the open area with an additional  11' X 22'.

The lanai has two large doors opening to the main room giving some "breathing room" of an additonal 14' X 22'.

Vaulted ceilings are 15' with the peak inside the  the main room a few feet.

The lanai walls are only screen and all windows and doors in all this area are always open. (Even though it is a neighborhood, I check with the people nearest me and they say they don't here my music. Maybe they are all hard of hearing.)

I went minimal on equipment after decades of many pieces and some quite expensive, but this is the best sound I have ever had in my own home.

Still, the Big improvement, most recently accomplished, cost me nothing except my own labor moving hard and soft surfaces and changing adjustments that the speakers have built into them.

Having this hobby for 50 years, it can still be surprising what rooms and room treatment will do.

Again, this home was purchased because it was a bank foreclosure in 2010 and it was exactly the area we wanted to live.  Luck on both accounts.


That's a little hardcore for me.  I make do with what I have.  Being an audiophile is figuring these things out as best you can.  Not like a dog chasing its tail.

I downsized from a 3600 ft 1854 home with 14 ft ceilings on an acre.  It was just too big for 2 people and down to I dog from 3.  My new home has a much smaller listening room, but I am good with my set up.