Would you move to a bigger house if you could just to have a better listening room ?

Let's see how crazy we are.


Showing 2 responses by yoyoyaya

The size/price ratio in Europe is different to the US so moving to a bigger house (in a suburban location) is not a realistic option. When I bought my current house, the overarching criterion was that it be detached - an awful lot of suburban houses are either terraced or semi-detatched. So I can play and record without any fear of complaints. Lastly, I would rather have a smaller dedicated listening room than a larger space that has to be shared.

@roxy54 - thanks. As it happens, my rooms is pretty much the same size as yours - 14 x 12 x 9.5. I would love if it were two feet bigger all round, but I'm not moving house for it and, with appropriate treatment, it sounds pretty good.