would using the onkyo a9150 with Thiel CS6 speakers be safe?

The onkyo receiver says it has this but it's only 60 watts per channel  My krell fpb300cx failed and somebody loaned me this receiver. Onkyo has this description about current.

  Customized High-Current Transformer and Custom Audio-Grade Capacitors
Current has great influence on sound quality. High current is required for a better grip on the speaker transducers, improving control and accuracy.

A customized high-output transformer and two huge custom capacitors inside the A-9150 deliver current through discrete output-stage transistors that are kept cool by an aluminum heat sink.

Speakers react instantly, with throw-range precisely controlled for accurate articulation even through dynamic and complex musical passages.


Showing 1 response by petg60

I am not playing it at any good volume.

Till you fix your amplifier proceed with that in mind.