Would my system benefit from cable upgrades?

Hi All,

So I am wondering if my system may benefit from Cable Upgrades.

I consider my system to be very entry level

I have the following main components:

- Vincent SV-500

- Martin Login Motion 40 Speakers

- Mo-Fi Studio Desk TT

- Technics SL-G700 SACD Player

- Questyle DAC

- Jolida JD 9 II Phone Pre-Amo

As for power connections, I have a IsoTek Sirius EVO 3 Power Strip and entry level AudioQuest Speaker Cables and Power Cables.

The interconnects at the moment are pretty generic.


I am thinking about starting with the Speaker Cables and at least the Power Cable for the Amp to upgrade to something more substantial.

But also wondering if it would really be a benefit to my system or would I need to upgrade to much better components for cables to matter?

If I start dropping a few thousand on all the cables (speaker, power and interconnects) I wonder if I would experience a difference?

Just wanted to get opinions.



Showing 2 responses by soix

I’d try some interconnects first.  Lots of direct sellers offer generous trial periods so it’s relatively painless to give some a shot.  I think your equipment is well able to benefit from upgrading all manner of cables.  

Try these interconnects between your DAC and amp. They are excellent and I think you’ll be very impressed with the results, but if not you can sell them with little/no loss.  In any event, it’s a great and near risk-free place to start experimenting.
