Would my system benefit from cable upgrades?

Hi All,

So I am wondering if my system may benefit from Cable Upgrades.

I consider my system to be very entry level

I have the following main components:

- Vincent SV-500

- Martin Login Motion 40 Speakers

- Mo-Fi Studio Desk TT

- Technics SL-G700 SACD Player

- Questyle DAC

- Jolida JD 9 II Phone Pre-Amo

As for power connections, I have a IsoTek Sirius EVO 3 Power Strip and entry level AudioQuest Speaker Cables and Power Cables.

The interconnects at the moment are pretty generic.


I am thinking about starting with the Speaker Cables and at least the Power Cable for the Amp to upgrade to something more substantial.

But also wondering if it would really be a benefit to my system or would I need to upgrade to much better components for cables to matter?

If I start dropping a few thousand on all the cables (speaker, power and interconnects) I wonder if I would experience a difference?

Just wanted to get opinions.



Showing 1 response by audphile1

To answer your question yes the cables will make a difference. But a better path would be to sell the motion 40 then add your $2k-$3k to buy a better pair of speakers. Shop the used market.

if you’re really itching to upgrade cables you can try and replace your generic interconnects with something like the BlueJeans or the Mogami Gold with whatever is left of your budget. Just my take on it.