Would I be wasting my money to get a turntable?

I am thinking about getting a turntable but I have a Class D amplifier (Nad M33) which digitizes all the analog inputs. If the amplifier is just digitizing the source is there going to be any difference between the vinyl and just listening to lossless digital streaming sources? Is there any benefit to me, given my current amplifier with has no analog pass through capability, to adding a turntable to my system?


Showing 1 response by bassdude

A lot of good advice here - which pretty much adds up to "The Cartoon" above - "Don’t Waste Your Money" - unless:

1. You have a pretty decent collection of vinyl albums... and/or...

2. Lots of money to invest in acquiring such a collection of "high quality" vinyl... and... the time and patience / tolerance for frustrating detail (cleaning and de-ionizing your vinyl, filtering the pops and scratches without loss of signal quality,, never-ending upgrades of all the turntable, turntable components, and phono pre-amp, etc., etc.)......

3. Are single, without children and other family obligations...

4. Have such a bad case of OCD, that you are compelled to read threads like this... and... to invest lots of your money, time and patience into very, very small refinements in your sound quality... regardless of family obligations...


5. Are prepared to extend your OCD case to SET tube amps, tubes and high efficiency OB speakers to accommodate the tube amps (ala DecWare, etc.)...

Did I mention... "LOT"S OF MONEY!"

Prolly less expensive to find a good analyst to help you recover from your OCD!