Would frequency response of cartridge determine purchase?

Recently purchased new un-open Clearaudio Virtuoso V2 and found upper frequencies from 5k on to be 3db

above flat frequency response. If a system is very revealing this extended high frequency would be very

audible. So why not have frequency response of cartridges known to buyer before purchase! Yes I am in

a bad situation with forking out big bucks and hoping for huge a upgrade! Cartridge is at distributor and am

waiting for test results. Just curious why such a unit would leave factory in the first place. 

"Clearaudio is on the brighter side" 

I have NOT found this to be true of Clearaudio. In fact they make some of the most gorgeous (not bright) sounding, tonally accurate cartridges I have ever heard. very beautiful indeed. A very good phono preamp of course makes all the difference. Its the gateway to great vinyl, IMO.

Matt M

How have you arrived at +3db at those frequencies? Just curious to understand your test method before trying to offer any thoughts..


I have the Graham Slee combo of the Revelation and the Elevator EXP.

I have the ability to adjust loading. The paper work that came with

cartridge has a performance graph and showed the units performance

when tested at factory.


Post removed 
The paper work that came with cartridge has a performance graph and showed the units performance when tested at factory.

I see in your thread from a few months ago that you are using the Clearaudio Concerto V2, a low output moving coil cartridge, not the much higher output moving magnet Virtuoso V2 cartridge used by the OP. Although you reported also experiencing excessive brightness. What did the performance graph you referred to show?

-- Al