Would changing to a MC solve my problem?

Not getting enough gain with my Hegel V10 phono stage. I have a MM cart at the moment. 

The question is this:

Would a MC cart with .4mV and phono stage with 66db of gain play louder than a MM with an output of 2.4mV and Gain of 46dB?
I'm sure there are calculators out there, but haven't found them yet. 


Showing 8 responses by traudio


All equipment concerned has been mentioned. I think you aren’t paying attention and/ or you aren’t familiar with the 2 integrated amps I’ve mentioned.

^^^^^^^^^ LOOK UP!^^^^^^^

Again: The former phono stage was a Musical Surroundings Phonomena, and now the Hegel V-10. I had this same issue with both the Hegel H390 and now with a Cary SLI-80HS.

The H390 specifications do not give the amplifier’s input sensitivity nor does it give the line stage gain figure (most likely just attenuation with no gain).  I would email Hegel to get the amp’s input sensitivity in order to gain match the source components.  On the surface, it sound like your cartridge output plus phono stage gain is not producing the appropriate voltage to drive your amp to full power.  


I agree

Again, the only thing I changed was the phono stage which was a Musical Surroundings Phonomena, and now the Hegel V-10.

Only analog and a digital input, no other sources.

Ok, the only one not mentioned is the cart which is a Soundsmith Zephyr III with about 60 hrs on it. Not a Moving Magnet, but the instructions have you set it as such.

It looks like either the phono stage needs to change our I need to switch to a MC.

I think lewm was referring to the V10.

I see. My apologies.

Avanti1960, that was one of the first things I tried. I have a set of Cardas adapters, but they made no difference in the volume. I'll have to check how they are wired because that should have worked.



The room is not the issue as the Digital input plays at an appropriate volume setting. 

Guys, I had this issue with the Hegel and now with a Cary SLI-80.
I know it’s the phono stage since that’s the change I made on the analog. The former stage had enough gain, this one doesn’t. That’s all.

My question was if switching to to a MC cart will give me more flexibility with the gain?

Noromance’s link answered my question.

As Noromance mentioned, you are getting a nominal 400mV output in signal voltage, with your current cartridge, from your Hegel via its MM stage,

The Hegel does not have a phono stage.