Would adding a Dac improve the sound for my setup?

My system consists of Cary sli80 and audio aero prima mkII cd player. It is older model with the cd tray on the left. I'm looking for a Dac in $1000 range, like Burson Audio, MDHT Havana, TDAC or Rega Dac. My question is by adding one of this Dac does it improve the sound or simply moving sideway?

Showing 4 responses by zmanastronomy

Adding the right DAC can improve all the sonic signatures you're looking for. But, like everything else, it is system dependent.
Burson dac is the one I would highly recommend.
There is a 30 day trial for the Burson. I don't think you'll be sending it back though.
What Ckoffend is discribing sounds like the OP amps in the CD player.
If you get a DAC, that will by pass the OP amps in the CD player.
Always remember, it's much more easy to get forgiveness than to get permission.