Worth upgrading powercord for Denon AVR 4308ci?

I currently am using the stock cord that came with my Denon AVR-4308 and have been considering an upgrade. A local dealer said that I "shouldn't bother", but I would like a second opinion. Should I upgrade? Why? Is there a cord that favors receivers (as opposed to separates)? Denon receivers specific? Brands?

Showing 1 response by tobias

A power cord with better connectors will improve performance even on an electric kettle. There's no reason not to try out a better cord on your Denon, just don't spend too much money. Keep 90%+ of your savings for the unit that will replace the Denon and bring your system a level or three higher.

Power cords can make a surprising difference but they really should be considered tweaks. Spend serious money on major components and don't let tweaks eat into the kitty for those.

Have fun!