worst 'long-lived' band

as opposed to the best short-lived. reunions count.

Showing 2 responses by fatparrot

Mick & "the boys"! Yeah, the Stones had a great 20 year run, but in the early 1980's, they started to become a parody of themselves...today, they are a corporate enterprise which can not be taken seriously, especially at $200- and up for a concert seat. Mick has NOT been able to sing live for 25 years...amazing what 20 or more studio takes and subsequent editing can do for vocals.

Blondie reunions [ugh!]...not to mention the bad blood with the original band members. Debbie looks like a washed up hooker, and absolutely no voice left!

Sadly, RIP CBGB's...how many bands honed their chops there, when no one else would provide a venue?
In the day she was know for hooking and shooting heroine in the Village....
.Hey, I've heard about Debbie's use of drugs [obvious opioid use], and her rather "unabashed" sex life. But I was unaware of her "alleged" hooking. I really hope that you are SURE of your sources, before making this accusation.

Anyway, I spent these years in the Boston area, so I never actually went to CBGB's [foolish me!]. I went to some interesting clubs [The Channel in South Boston was my favorite]. BTW, I love the B-52's "ROCK LOBSTER" CBGB's performance that was released on video!