World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?

Looking for the HOLY GRAIL in Audio? Here it is. I'm in my early sixties and retiring to my final system, which I was going to purchase during the past twelve months and decided to put on the brakes, and investigate whats out there as the most advanced engineered high end audio products for the money in the market place. As far as I'm concerned, the two top engineers in the world for the best Amp and Preamp at low prices are Bent Holter with Hegel Audio in Norway and Roger Sanders with Sanders Sound in Colorado. Why? The Hegel P-30 Pre-amp is a game changer, and will easily compete with Pre-amps at $30K and above. The FM Acoustics 268 Preamp that retails for $107K, uses a technology thats called "feedforward" instead of feedback.
Amps and Pre-amps since the early 80's have all used either global feedback, zero feedback or local feedback to filter out noise and lower distortion by sending and filtering the feedback current to filter capacitors or or an extra filter transformer. A small amount of voltage feedback occurs at the output stage in amps and preamps which goes back into the parts and boards causing noise and distortion which smears the quality of the music.The best Preamps in the world all have S/N noise ratios at 125 db's or above. The Hegel P-30 Preamp uses the same feedforward technology as FM Acoustics but is a more current design that Bent Holter calls "Sound Engine" patented technology that eliminates feedback which is why the P-30 Preamp has a S/N ratio of 132 db's, which has never been accomplished in high end audio with a Preamp costing $10K or below. The same applies to Roger Sanders Magtech amplifier which uses a patented linear voltage regulator that controls and regulates voltage with no excess voltage going back into the amp causing heat and distortion problems. The amp puts out 900 watts into 4ohms. Krell makes a pair of mono blocs that also use a similar voltage regulator. The amps are $100K a pair. HERES THE PERFECT SOLID STATE SYSTEM. A Hegel P-30 Preamp. A Sanders Magtech amp, A pair of Aerial Acoustics 7T speakers. The worlds finest SACD player, the Playback Designs MPS-5, designed by Andreas Koch, who invented SACD technology when he worked for Sony. He built the worlds first outboard DAC in 1982 and is legend in digital engineering. The MPS-5 is the most analog sounding player on the market which costs $17K. The Hegel P-30 is only $7500.00 and the Magtech amp is only $5K. The Aerials are $10K. Buy the solid core cables from Morrow Audio. They are low capacitance cables which matches up perfectly with these components. This combination sounds like the very best tube and solid state gear on the market. The whole system will cost about $42K but will sound as good as any system costing $200K. All of these products are game changers. If you want better looking cabinets and faceplates, then blow your money, but you will not get better performance for what this system has to offer. It is the HOLY GRAIL you are searching for and there is no better combination for the total cost of the system.

Showing 13 responses by podeschi

I sold the VAC Ren Mk III. Will have a replacement soon. Was surprised how at least one other preamp brought out the better side of the VAC 450S amp. Interestingly, I never thought I'd a hear a preamp that would beat the VAC Ren Mk III, it was that good.
I borrowed a Hegel P30 to try in my system to compare with my VAC Ren Mk III preamp....connected into Statement VAC 450 stereo amp driving Magico S5.

As context, nothing I have had in my system before came close to the VAC preamp. I bought a Conrad Johnson GAT preamp (obviously more expensive than the VAC or the Hegel). The GAT was SOTA but was beat by the VAC -- GAT was not as open and harmonically accurate as the VAC.

So, getting the Hegel P30...I was ready for a similar experience...

But, to my surprise...the P30 is awesome and holds it own easily with the VAC. It is dynamic, clear, coherent, musical, and lets more detail through without being analytical. My foot was tapping - always a good sign. I actually didn't have to listen as hard to hear details and ambient cues through the P30. It's transients are sharper and better defined. Timing is less sluggish than the VAC. What the VAC still has that nothing beats is harmonic richness, especially in the lower registers and with male voices. Today is the first day I realized this may be a romantic coloration versus accurate harmonic texture coming through. There was more energy in the lower registers of the VAC but it sounded a little smeared and condensed/constricted compared to the Hegel P30. So...this is the first preamp I have heard that I could live with and be as happy (and in some regards happier) as I am with my treasured VAC Ren Mk III. The P30 is an incredible preamp for the money. $7,500 and it easily beats the GAT I had in my system. Hands down to these ears.
I didn't roll tubes in my VAC Ren Mk III. Speaking with VAC, the signature preamp is good with rolling tubes, not so much in the Renaissance.
Charles1dad, I had (and sold) the VAC Ren Mk iii, not the signature. The Hegel P30 to my ears made the VAC 450S sing - tighter more articulate bass, bigger soundstage, more air and extension. The VAC Ren slowed down and constricted the 450S by comparison. But we are talking gold and silver medal winners - no losers or laggards. Both preamps kick butt compared to any 10-20k preamps I have auditioned. Hegel is a sleeper brand. They could double their asking price and still be competitive. I was shocked. Zero bling factor , but for me i listen to my equipment more than i look at it.

Aprica88, I pulled my ad down for the VAC 450S - instead of buying constellation gear right now i am going to see if i can improve the A/C in my listening room. The 450 throws the heat. A good combo is vac in winter and h30 in summer.
Charles1dad, i had/sold vac ren mk iii not the signature. P30 was more lively, extended, fast, open etc, and almost matched harmonic textural realism of VAC. Both were/are winners. I thought Hegelbrought out best of vac 450 amp.

Aprica88, i took the ad down for vac amp, going to try to increase a/c capability in my listening room - 450 throws the heat. If not then maybe constellation at some point. VAC 450 for the winter and Hegel H30 for the summer may be all i need.
Yes huge fan of Hegel...wanting to try H30 which could be a great summer amp. Hegel is punching so much higher above it's weight class. Refreshing to see a brand that makes a $7,500 preamp that competes with $20,000 preamps. I'm sure the $15,000 H30 competes with $20-30k amps. My only fear is Hegel will start charging prices much higher and more in line with what other manufacturers are charging.
Listening to 450S thru ARC Ref40 preamp restored my faith in what the 450S is capable of to the point I am now going to figure out how to get better A\C in the listening room. Even thru the Hegel P30 i got a fuller taste of the 450S. some reason the Ren MkIII wasnt the best match with it. Listened again with P30 ... There is some magic in that preamp ...almost as good as the ARC on a few dimensions.
The P30 has the absence of dry electronic sheen/overlay that i hear in many SS preamps. So a musical real liquid midrange and treble but bigger and more extended than most tube amps. Where it is a champion is throwing a nice expansive soundstage and deliberately controlling and articulating the lower registers. I was dumbfounded how a small relatively inexpensive preamp could easily beat 10-15k preamps and handily compete with 20-25k preamps. No bling factor but it delivers the goods. My ARC ref 40 is better than the P30 and my Centaur is much better than any amp i have heard including the H30. But i could easily and happily live with an all Hegel system. Together their preamp and amp take everything up a notch.
The P30 has the absence of dry electronic sheen/overlay that i hear in many SS preamps. So a musical real liquid midrange and treble but bigger and more extended than most tube amps. Where it is a champion is throwing a nice expansive soundstage and deliberately controlling and articulating the lower registers. I was dumbfounded how a small relatively inexpensive preamp could easily beat 10-15k preamps and handily compete with 20-25k preamps. No bling factor but it delivers the goods. My ARC ref 40 is better than the P30 and my Centaur is much better than any amp i have heard including the H30. But i could easily and happily live with an all Hegel system. Together their preamp and amp take everything up a notch.
Peterayer, now that sounds like my ARC Ref 40!! The Pass XP-30 must be awesome. It sure is attractive looking gear.
If the P20 is 90 percent of the P30 and is $2,900 it is the best value product I have heard of.