World Music new

Boy . . I have been hearing some wonderful music from round the world lately. I'm wondering if you have.

Here a few very satisfying ones-

Marta Topferova- La Marea (World Village/harmonia mundi usa). A Czech lass who sings in Spanish with a nice rhythmic ensemble of players behind her.

Christina Branco- Ulisses (Decca). A plaintive little Portugese fado singer. Excellent recording quality, too.

Habib Koite- Afriki (Cumbancha). Sweet and soulful in any language.

Vas- Feast Of Silence (Narada). The most moving Azam Ali collaboration of the several I've heard.

Lhasa De Sela- La Llorona (Atlantic/Wea). South of the border torch.

Descriptions of these recordings and the artists can be read on Amazon but the samples don't do them justice.
Thought the Dulce Pontes CD was a bit over produced and her voice got a little thin on occasion, but the Martirio CD is flippin magnificent save for occasional over statement by her young guitar player on the date. Otherwise awfully good with sound you don't get very often. My squeeze commented on it from the other room.
Canto singer Dulce Pontes was recommended to me by an enthusiast at Audio Circle. The samples I heard of her album, Primerio Canto, are suberb, Bought it today.
Flor de Piel. Very nice, Bought it today. Shopping for an exceptional female flamenco singer.
A couple of things I have bought on used vinyl ($1.98 apiece!!) a Flamenco-Blues album on Hanibal Records The Group is Pata Negra it's titled "Blues de la Frontera" recorded in Spain sounds great and the music is really exciting.They play some in both styles and some in a mix.Really worth looking for.The other is an expatriate Argentine Commie residing in Paris,by the name of Atahualpa Yupanqui.The LP is titled "Camino Del Indio".He looks to be in his 80s when this LP was done,yet he doesn't suffer for energy or soul.The music is a synthesis of Argentine Indios and Folk with a bit of a very personal life in exile mixed in.Both LP s are exceptional,both in spanish which I don't speak.Yet both I want to play over and over.
Yes, Sfar, you are correct. Perhaps plaintive would describe some other fado and passion singers, but not her. I think I meant to say lilting. I will be checking out "Flor de Piel" tonite. Cheers. Good that you noted the sound quality, too.

I have Habib Koite, Lhasa De Sela and Christina Branco and agree with you completely, though I would never describe Christina Branco as plaintive. Her "Corpo Illuminado" and "Post Scriptum" albums are also exceptional. I can also highly recommend Lhasa de Sela's "La Llorona."

Another exceptional voice that probably isn't well known here is the Spanish singer Martirio. Her album "Flor de Piel" is one of my favorites of the last year or so and "Mucho Corazon" is also wonderful. The quality of the recording on "Flor de Piel" is amazing, as well.