Word Clock Cable Upgrade

My Aurender N20 has a Word Clock output that I use to Sync to the Word Clock input on my MSB DAC. I use a Blue Jeans BNC Coax Cable. 

Is it worth upgrading this cable since it only carries Clock info and no Digital music signals? Before I spend hundreds of $ on an upgrade has anyone found this upgrade worthwhile? If so what benefit did it have to the sound quality?



Yes. You are correct I typed it in wrong. Anyway any experience with Clock Cable upgrades

My N30SA sounds slightly better (to my ears) in my system when connected to the clock in my MSB Reference. I use a Shunyata Sigma cable.


Yes Syncing with the MSB definitely sounds better even with my Lie cost Blue Jeans cable. The question is how much influence does the cable have. Will l get better sound with a more up scale cable?  Does the cable make much of a difference in this case?