Wish to Upgrade Phono Stage and Cart

My current setup is a Rega P10/Apheta 3 cart sending signal to an Allnic H5500. It sound is very pleasing to my ears. 

I placed the Allnic H5500 in front of my vintage Yamaha CR820 and Technics SL1800. Wow. Did not see that coming. I could listen to that all day. 

My current setup is a Allnic T2000 30the Anniversary integrated. My Turntable a Rega P10.

I entertained getting an Allnic H8000 dht but feel that's a bit overkill for my system. I'm now entertaining an Allnic H7000 along with a Cart, perhaps Rose or Amber (all in the family) or even the Rega Auro with the Aphelion cart. 

I'm not the sophisticated/knowledgable audiophile when it comes to vinyl setups. Too much focus on digital over the years I guess, so I look for advice from this knowlegable forum.


Showing 4 responses by desalvo55

I thought about the Evo 100. Like the brand. But does it even compete with my Allnic H5500? Like the Aura, which is a solid state device, would it be an upgrade? Certainly, the Aphelion cart would be an upgrade.

With my busy lifestyle, often, I warm my system and never get to hear a song. I feel bad for my tubes. So there's that. 

Minus K platform is out of our budget, but thanks for the knowledge as, my Rega is sitting on maple which is sitting on glass.


Regarding the Yamaha and Technics turntable, I simply added the Allnic phonostage to the aux input of the Yamaha just to see what a modern day high-end phonostage would sound through my vintage equipment. I might keep it there.

So I’m in the market for another phonostage. This would replace the Allnic H5500 that was positioned in my main system. The digital side of this system really sounds great and I’m not going anywhere with that.

I would not characterize the vintage eqiupment paired with the Allnic phono ’warm’ but certainly not as detailed as my main rig. Perhaps it was nostalgic but in a good way and performed far better than I expected.


Thanks Dover, I did not think about having to modify the Rega using certain cartridges. There seem to be so many well reviewed ones in audio land. It's also true that there are reviews that marry the Rega to the Allnic H7000 with great synergy. That's a very expensive direction to travel.

The Goldring carts are great to as I understand.

It's hard to know with the collection of pieces mentioned, how it will sound in the end but they are all high performers. I'm sure some tweaking would get the magic I'd be looking for.

Aphelion seems like a logical choice but as others said, raising the VTA is an easy task if I wanted to explore Allnic cartridge gems.

I can get a nearly new Allnic H7000 a very deep discount, but it's still painfully expensive, especially given the cost of an Aphelion.

My wife has a system. No turntable in it thank God. We have a pretend-O-war regarding who's system sounds the best. It's neck and neck...