Wireworld Silver Electra 7 vs Electra 7


I hesitate between Wireworld Silver Electra 7 and Wireworld Electra 7. My audio system is a Keces P8 power supply + Pathos Aurium and Burson C3X. Which cable will be more suitable for my system? I'm afraid the Silver Electra will be too sensitive to the upper sounds, but I also care about high resolution and strong bass. I like also a broader sound stage with width, depth and musicality.




I have heard both and concur with ryder. The Silver Electra7 is better for DAC, Player or Source. To my ears, it was too soft on pre-amp and power amp.

Happy Listening!
I only have the Elektra 7 and do not have experience with the Silver Elektra 7. The Elektra 7 is quite good for the source or DAC but not good for the amplifier. When connected to the amp, the sound is soft and lacking punch and dynamics.