Wireworld Eclipse 8 compared to Analysis Plus Solo Crystal


I've read many post about the characteristics of these two cables on Audigon, but one question is still unclear.

Would those who have used both say the Solo Crystal is a more detailed sounding cable than the Eclipse 8 or 7? Does one offer better transient response?

I would be switching from a set of Goertz Silver Sapphires, which are reviewed as a very detailed sounding interconnect, though I have never compared them directly to other interconnects.

Thanks, Drew Harty


Showing 3 responses by decooney

Fast forward 2yrs, back to the original question of this thread -

  • Has anyone here gone back and evaluated the AP/Crystals vs. the Wireworld Eclipse or Equinox 8 interconnects?

Background: As an owner and various demos of AP/Crystals, various Cardas, including Clear Reflections mentioned herein, Im considering demoing the newer WW Equinox 8s. Would be evaluating and comparing to AP/Crystals, specifically.

Both are OCC/Ohno, and very different designs. Goal: find the best tone, timbre and "midrange body" of the two. And, while hoping they both retain the clarity, transparency we all love. Its an interesting challenge to find in some of the OCC cables that I’ve evaluated so far. Which will be more rolled off is key too.

I may go back and revisit this with WW EQ 8s. I sent a note to them today. If anyone here has a guess as to what might result, feel free to chime in and predict any results you might have in mind - or, IF you’ve actually evaluated both, helps.  

@vinylvalet Which ones did you have?  

AP makes Chocolate Oval-InOval OneCopper Oval-In MicroSolo Crystal OvalSilver Apex and each model is a different design, different metallurgy, and each sounds different from one to the next. And notably so on more transparent systems.  

@vinylvalet and some might say truly great designs can last over decades, done right the first time. A good friend was sharing this week how an overseas manufacturer of a posh brand of cars has had 3 different part numbers for ignition starters past several years and keeps changing. Sounds like a poor design to begin with. 

It is interesting to try different designs and its great you found yours.  👍