Careful, be very careful. Once you give your routing and account number to me for example, with just a phone call or two I can set up payments to third parties by ACH Debit. This is the way you pay for things over the phone by check. Your bank NEVER calls you to confirm an over-the-phone payment to the cable company, do they?
Either get an ACH Debit block on your account - meaning you'll never be able to pay by phone - or set up a new account and close it soon as the wire transfer hits.
I have a feeling that the wired money will never show. The key here is that your Brazilian friend is using a US bank as international banks are not in the ACH Debit network.
Either get an ACH Debit block on your account - meaning you'll never be able to pay by phone - or set up a new account and close it soon as the wire transfer hits.
I have a feeling that the wired money will never show. The key here is that your Brazilian friend is using a US bank as international banks are not in the ACH Debit network.