Wine, audio, and music. How many of us Aphiles enjoy wine when listening to music?

Along with that, are you a member of a wine club and if so, which one? 

Showing 1 response by daniel2231

Is coffee okay? To me it is the biggest drug, coffeine is my number 1 addiction. I also tolerate wine, but love to share it with a company, don't like drinking alone. Someone mentioned vaping here, and I must confess I vape every day since I gave up smoking, Airis Mystica II V2  is my everything. I prefer oil concentrates for vaping, meanwhile most of friends of mine enjoy vaping weed huh. The effect must be really excellent, but I guess these practices require special herbal vaporizers in any case. Honestly I'd better smoked a usual blunt, vaping is great precisely with oil and juices.