Window shoppers!! I hate them!!

Now that I got your attention LOL, what are your guys take on this. About 95% of messages about something for sale is always a waste and as soon as it’s time to send money it’s a quick not interested anymore vibe.

do people window shop online with actually no thought of buying? I truly think it’s an endorphin thing where it makes them feel good to reach out about buying but know that they won’t buy anything. So there kicks are at the sellers expect and a waste of time.

if someone asks about an item I quickly answer with an added way of how to pay so there is no back and forth. I’ve experienced that really weeds out the buyers from the wasters.
And yes the title of this discussion is meant for a click to have people interested in this topic! I’m definitely not mad or easily angered with this. Just thought it was a fun topic to talk about and I absolutely don’t hate anyone! 

Showing 3 responses by akiravelvet

I’m the type of person where I have a hard time going to audio shops just to look at stuff without the intention to buying. If they let me jam music for a bit I at least walk out with a record or other cheap item. 
It’s fun to window shop if I’m actually trying to buy something. I just don’t understand when people send an offer and when I say yes, they then don’t pay. If I’m haggling a price I’m pretty dead set on buying if my offer is accepted.

Probably not the greatest thread to start. If I could deleted I would. Oh well. Maybe I’ll figure out a better positive thread I can start next time lol