wilson vs competitor battle demo

Hi folks, I have red something unbelivable in the latest TAS. During the January CES in Vegas David Wilson from Wilson Audio did a "battle demo" with Sophia speakers and another (anonymous) speakers from a competitor as the contestants. The competitor's speakers were a bit more expensive than the Sophia's. He drove his Sophia's with a $1000 Parasound amplifier and used an Apple iPod as source. The competitor's speakers were driven by a $7k Krell amplifier and the source was a Krell KPS-25 CD-player/preamp. The Wilsons won the battle demo by a margin! How is this possible folks? Should we all buy Wilson speakers and make no more expensive investments into amplifiers and CD/record players? Have Wilson speakers becoming a sort of panachea? This is scary!

Showing 1 response by s7horton

Wilson has done this more than once. In fact, I think he does it at almost every show. It's very important to point out that just because the competition with driven with 7k worth of electronics doesn't mean it was good synergy. It is quite possible to make a 300k system sound like crap if the wrong electroincs are used. Having said that, there is no doubt in my mind that Wilson produces some very nice speakers.