Wilson Speakers & Reviewers


I've been reading a lot of reviewer system lists over the years.

Why do a lot of them end up with a Wilson Speaker

They do not appear to be the most resolving.........
Or is it Peer pressure ? Or magic ?




Showing 3 responses by frozentundra

“ magic” was not the correct term

are they the “ sweet spot” is a much,  much better description 

It is a serious question 

engineers like me , suffer with the written word


“why do do people( reviewers) prefer Wilson?”

Yes, that is even a better question 

The thing I noticed is all the reviewers (appeared to ME) went thru a boat load of speakers , before ending up with Wilson

Wilson appears to be an end game....

there have been been a lot of good comments......


it it sounds like a “Ford vs Chevy” debate, minus the beer( maybe not?)

You all have interesting perspectives 

Some more viament than others

     I do tend to agree...once you get full range and relatively flat freq........it becomes a preference
     I also think marketing is a big part of it, to

Merry christmas 
( we just a finished 8” snowstorm)