Wilson sophia typically found with solid state

Just wondering are the wilson sophia's ever driven with tubes? It seems that most are running on ss. I just heard them at a show room and they are incredilbe transparent and dynamic. How do they sound with tubes?

Showing 1 response by dbphd

I occasionally wish for Wilson Sophias. I assume they would pair well with the Ayre KX-5 Twenty and VX-5 Twenty I now use with KEF Reference 1 supplemented below 80 Hz by a pair of Velodyne HGS-15s. Sources are Roon via Ethernet to a QX-5 Twenty, DX-5 DSD disc player, and Thorens TD 124 via Ayre P-5ex phonostage, all Ayre electronics.

I haven’t heard Sophias in years, but often regret not taking the pair I heard when the small shop went of business.