Wilson Sasha 2 Pre owned?

I am now listening to 25 year old Proac Response 3.5 speakers with Audio Research tube electronics.  Great speakers but I'm considering an upgrade.  I really like the Wilson Sabrina but now have a chance to buy pre owned Wilson Sasha 2s in the low 20's. They are about two years old but cosmetically perfect, would include a 3 year warranty from Wilson. Also, there was some kind of resistor upgrade after these speakers were manufactured and the dealer would include the upgrade.  The boxes/crates are not included.  Looking for any advice on whether this seems like a good deal, whether the Sasha 2s would be a big step up from the Proacs and whether the used Sasha2s are a better choice than new Sabrinas (which would cost less).  Have to decide very soon because there are others interested in the Sasha's. Thanks. 

Showing 5 responses by gpgr4blu

Here we go again. You have invaded yet another thread specifically limited to a Wilson question in an attempt to interest an OP and  presumably other Goners in brands that you sell at Audio Doctor (Legacy, Kef and Paradigm). 
 As you may have noticed, your post was completely ignored--- so you then posted again in attempt to make it seem like your intrusion was not sell your brands by mentioning Magico, Focals and Rockports. 
You will no doubt justify your uninvited and ignored post by claiming that you are just trying to educate the OP who you ignorantly presume has chosen to invest in Wilsons without consideration of other top brands.
As a Wilson Sasha owner who has listened at length to all of the above brands as well as the Sasha 2s and the Sabrinas--I too could "educate" the OP but I will not be so bold as to assume that he needs educating.
   We've been through this in many other threads which you have invaded to promote your wares. Why don't you stick to Legacy, Kef and Paradigm threads--- even though I must say that some Paradigm speaker threads praising Audio Doctor seem to be self-authored or placed at your request. Based on the Dave Lalin that I knew and my NY audiophile buddies knew and avoided as a salesperson at Sound By Singer---that would be a classic hard sell Dave technique. 
Anyone who thinks Audiotroy has any credibility should check his history. This is not about Wilsons.  This is not about the principle that all self-respecting audiophiles should follow--listen to as much as possible and consider your room and your other components before you leap. This is about a self-promoting, hard selling huckster named Dave Lalin of the notorious Audio Doctor who many people in the NY audio community including me and virtually all of my experienced audiophile friends (who are many) avoid because he'll talk your ear off with his biased self-promoting opinions which somehow always lead to a suggestion to purchase the products he sells.
He also frequently places himself above other dealers. Here he says--"Too many dealers are just looking to move product..."---but not him. He cares about his customers and Audiogoners who may unwisely be jumping at products without stopping to think about his.
 So again, don't be fooled by what appears in the abstract to be a seemingly innocuous reasonable suggestion on this thread.  Just check his history of invading threads and the record amount of words he uses to promote himself and his brands. I find it sickening. Dave stands for everything Audiogon is NOT supposed to be.
I would say what you did if I did not know Audiotroy's history. But it seems from your comment that you might have observed one thread where Audiotroy and I went at it. I know--it gets ugly. But check the OP's question in this thread or any other thread where you have seen these confrontations and you will see who the troll is.
 I read about a half dozen threads every few days--usually about music, general engineering questions or the 2 or 3 brands that interest me.  Wilson is one of those brands as I've had 4 pairs in my system over the years and can often answer OP questions  about the brand---usually regarding set-up (which I know well) room size, the differences between models, current needs of different models etc.
It is almost always in these threads where the OP specifically asks questions directed to Wilson owners that Audiotroy trolls and invades to suggest the OP give his wares a listen. Audiotroy's posts also usually promote himself as a dealer of integrity as opposed to other dealers out to make a buck. I personally know many of these dealers that he insults. 
I have never and will never "troll" a thread.   Audiotroy is nothing but a troll. That is why I am so hard on him. 
I don't like being a scold, but that troll brings out the worst in me. 
OK So no one wants to look at Troy's history of trolling and outrageous self promotion.

Quote from Troy above after my criticism:
     "Our reputation is one of making great sound and extolling the virtues of many new and exciting products that often challenge the status quo and we do this to prospective to save prospective clients money..."

Reputation? According to who Troy?
You must be a true gem. Except every dealer I know would say the same thing about themselves if they were as self promoting as you.
FYI you have the opposite reputation according to me and many in my listening group of over a dozen veteran audiophiles who have known you on the NY audio scene for decades including when you worked at Sound By Singer.  
Is no one else tired of you?
 Well no one on this thread. But the OP is long gone and apparently did not care about Troy's boisterous and verbose attempts to derail the thread. But there are others on other threads who did support my attempts to keep Troy from invading that thread.

As for Brownsf, you obviously have not checked my history with Troy. I don't blame you. Who has the time to care about or make judgments about my attacks on him when he invades threads under the guise of helping the OP only to sell his wares and promote himself? If you did look at our history, you would never say that I have "tailed" Troy. I don't waste my time reading anything he says unless I am in a Wilson thread where he provides backhanded praise to Wilson speakers and then tries to recommend his products as better. Then--after he is done trolling that thread--I call him out. 
I'm sure Troy does this trolling on many other threads which I do not read, but I have better things to do than look for what he says elsewhere. He is tiring enough on the Wilson threads I am on when he invades them.

BTW, it's not about Wilson or that I am upset about criticism of Wilson. I have owned and will own other speakers ---and Wilson are no more "the best" than any number of other top brands. Also, I am not against anyone coming into a thread to extol another product. It happens all the time. It is Troy's constant trolling of Wilson threads and his self professed neutrality that I abhor. And I want other members of Audiogon to place his constant invasions in context. He is not the neutral voice he claims to be. He is a slick, tiring, verbose salesman. I am now done with posting on this thread as it has long ago ceased to exist for any purpose other than to complete our little tiff. As I have said a few times before Troy, If you don't invade--you will never hear from me again. But you cannot help yourself so here we are again. I'm sure I'll meet you trolling the next Wilson thread when a new OP has a question about which Wilson to purchase.