Wilson Sabrina (not X), Sonus Faber Nova 2, or Vandersteen Treo CT

I have McIntosh a c49 pre and mc152 amp. Trying to decide on speakers. I have narrowed down my choices to Wilson Sabrina (not X), Sonus Faber Nova 2, or Vandersteen Treo CT. Only got to listen to the SF's. I would like to hear your options on which to purchased.



Showing 1 response by james633

I would take the Sabrina over the Sonus Faber. I have heard the Sabrina and the Nova 3. The bass went deeper and had more texted/impact on the Sabrina and I put a lot of value on bass. The highs are about the same. The mids are a little different. The Nova 3 has a slight dip at 3k and I feel like the wilson have a slight peak at 3k  I heard a touch of sibilants in the Wilson’s. After demoting both speakers (a few others too Kef R3, Cornwall IV, etc)I bought Revel 228be based on a demo of the 328be.

I can’t help with Vandersteen.