Wilson's new speaker the Sasha is coming.

THere is a teaser on their website. Looks beautiful if you can make out the images. I think it is a step up from the WP generation. Maybe a replacement.
the steve...the little steve....the big steve....the old steve....the new steve......break out the automotive paint Queg, i think you've just come up with the next big thing in loudspeaker marketing.
dgad: I don't know if the maxx 3 has the same material as the new sasha. all I know is my 3's are making some great music now :)

...but so did my WP 6's and 8's and maxx 2's !
I think wilson should come out with a pink speaker for women. I know Paris Hilton would buy one. She just painted her Bentley pink.
Possibly a head on aimed at undercutting the V3s (hearsay from reliable sources; seem to be hurting the WP8s sales thus their recent rrp reduction). If above rrp of $26,950 for Sasha is materialized, this will mean bad news to most of Wilson's line in the used market.