Wilson Audio Watt/Puppy 5.1

Do you think these speakers are really dated soundwise. Are they still comparable to a wilson sophia or the actual watt/puppy system 7, even if they dont reach 100% of theyre performance.
I got offered a like new pair of 5.1 for around 5500 $ wich is agood price here in germany. And i can have them brought and set up to my home by the dealer. Actually i have a Cabasse Iroise 500 hanging on a Gryphon Tabu Amplifier.

best regards
Do you find the 5.1´s bass shy or thin? they didn´t sounded like this in the store but the frequency response you can find in the stereophile review suggests that.


my cabasse while not the most extendet for it´s size go straight to 45 Hz like a line. i also hope the wilson will surpass the holographic presentation of the cabasse with it´s cocentric driver in a direct comparison.

and by the way...i already have treatened my room (around 30 m2) with 8 studio basstraps. i also have a lot of shelfs with records books etc. and large curtains too. all in all the acoustics are really good. the rooms has only 2 paralell walls (like a combination of 2 different trapezoids) the speakers are relatively far from the walls.
They are not bass shy, but they have a tweeter that can be overly aggressive which is where the thin reputation comes from. Your room sounds like a pretty good match. If your dealer will give you a demo, by all means try them.
ive got 5.1 's too and ther great,i didnt get any paper work with mine,so i down loaded off the wilson page the how to setup for the watts/pup,i used that as a starting point,they are a little diferent than most speakers,i used to work in a hi-fi shop and had to set up genesis 1,pipedreams and lots of panel stuff,any way i did a real easy mod for mine ,it dosnt change the speaker physically so if you want to know let me know ,yes the top end can be a bit forward but with good gear before ,like valve stuff this will calm that down,jadis works well with them!