Wilson Audio Specialties Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker!! only $300,000.oo

What a bargain, still bet they sound great with the right amp up them, looking at that impedance/phase angle graph.
XVX is a very demanding load, with EPDR less than 1.1 ohms between 52Hz and 66Hz and between 197Hz and 287Hz, with minimum values of 0.91 ohms at 450Hz and 0.94 ohms at 3250Hz. The Chronosonic XVX should be used with amplifiers that don't have problems driving loads of 2 ohms and lower.


Cheers George


Showing 1 response by barts

Well I saw the speaker(s) at RMAF 2019, emphasis on "saw".  There was only one and it was obviously not connected.  Also meet Daryl Wilson and his mother.  Very nice people indeed.  That was in the Wilson room or more correctly in the adjoining room to the actual working display.  The attention to detail on the big Wilsons is extraordinary. Having said that, the Wilson display was one of the worst at the show. It was a small pair with Wilson subs.  I listened to it for a while because I couldn't believe how flat, uninvolving and simply not musical it was.  And this is with the man himself in the next room.  And for some reason the guys in charge of the room were condescending when I requested a brochure.  

I have no gripe with Wilson, just reporting it as it happened.

For my money the best sounding speakers at the show were these beauties:  https://www.bendingwaveusa.com/product/divin-majestic/

Hands down, by far.  Yes, $240k!  But OMG.
