Wilson Audio sophia 3 or Watt Puppy 6

hi evry one i am not american so sorry 4 my english.
I have now a pair of Watt Puppy 6 running with a Moscode 600
i love my system i love the music it creates,
however i may have a chance to upgrade to a pair of new sophia 3.
ps my 6's are at least 20 years old and in good running condition.
please share your thoughts on this possible upgrade.
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Showing 1 response by samhar

I think it might be hard going from the WP bass to any Sophia!!! I picked the WP 8 over the Sophia 3 for the bigger tighter low end. I had an opportunity to buy a friends WP 7 at a great price but liked the WP8 slightly bigger bass, upper mids and highs. I thought they were the best of the three and purchased them.