Wilson Audio in the Near Field? w/ Pass Labs?

I have never owned Wilson speakers which I know stir up some debates around here.

It has been years, but in my experience hearing Watt / Puppies (5's to 7's?) with friends and demos, I always thought they sounded pretty darn good, not fatiguing and in particular, imaged well. Curiously, however, I was not as impressed by an early version of the gigantic Wilsons.

For a new system, I am wondering what Wilsons (preferably used) I might use for a console / desktop in the nearfield, as per my recent system link update.

The Duettes seem obvious as they are smaller and Wilson says suitable for applications where it is against a wall or not well placed in open space?

However, I seem to also recall the the "WATT" half of the WPs were originally studio monitors - the Wilson Audio Tiny Tots?

Therefore, they might also work well? Is it possible to buy a used pair of old WPs and sell the puppies?

Finally, another topic of debate but for lower volumes, I would be delighted if Pass amps operating in Class A might sound good for this application. Because I love the way they look and would enjoy staring at them all day, especially a pair of monoblocks but if not notice that the 30.5 gets good reviews.

Thank you for any thoughts, ideas and / or advice and

Happy New Year,

Showing 1 response by raks

I own Duette's and IMO they're spectacular. With the Duette's being 18.5" high by 14.0" deep, you might want to double check to see if you've got ample room on your Audio Desk to hold them.