Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?


Showing 3 responses by randyhat

"People over here don’t know me".....You are correct. All we know about you is what we can glean from your posts. You come across as pompous and arrogant. You remind me of so many religious types I have met in my life. They/you have found religious truth but you think YOUR way of finding truth is the ONLY way. You are intolerant and dismissive of others who have found the "truth" through different methods....or who don’t see the "truth" exactly as you define it. You would do better to sound less like a zealot preacher. You are welcome to share your opinions and tastes but once you start trying to impose them on others and denigrating others who don’t share your beliefs, you lose credibility and start to be annoying.

Bo...I repeat from a previous post, is an audio zealot.  He has found his flavor of audio truth and simply cannot accept that others have taken a different pathway to their audio truth.  As Plutos mentioned in his post, "there is some truth to Bo's mantra".  Of course the dimensionality of a system is a quality most of us can appreciate.  But so to is timbre, pace, soundstage and numerous other characteristics we use to identify when listening to and comparing equipment.  Obviously, this dimensionality is a characteristic that resonates with Bo's emotions.  Good for him.  Just don't be surprised and frustrated that it just might not resonate with everyone the same as it does with you.  These are mutually exclusive situations.  If I am engaged and drawn into a musical performance for reasons other than dimensionality who are you Bo to tell me that my experience is invalid?  Just, lower yourself a little bit from your high horse.
Bo, it's not like you invented fire.  Those of us who are old enough to have been around high end audio for 40+ years have been aware of 3 dimensionality in the sound stage for ages.  You just now discovered it.  Good for you.  But it is pretty delusional of you to think you have discovered a secret and  you somehow possess knowledge that is unique.  Congratulations on your discovery.  Most of us have known it all along; we just didn't feel the need to beat others over the head with it.