Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?


Showing 6 responses by mapman

Assuming one is starting out in the world of widdley tiddley voodoo, which has been known to happen, then most anything is probably better.

OK enough with Bo. Mapman out.
" I am a client of Bo's and it has been proven to me and it has been proven to everyone that the world of music reproduction systems is shifting from one of widdley-tiddley voodoo to TruFi, which is recognized by all who hear it. "

Bring it to a US audio show.    Then we can hear it and see.

Its true that ribbon tweeters and folded ribbon tweeters are two different though related things.

That’s about as much as I know about it other than that folded ribbon tweeters tend to be more directional than domes and I’ve heard really good sound come from both set up well.

Its also true that I think Bo needs some human interaction training to go along with his hifi expertise. If I were his manager I’d stick him back behind that curtain with a gag in his mouth.
Bo being empowered to hijack another thread for free advertising.....

Such innovation should easily support paying for publicity but granted free is more cost effective.

I would not rank Bo’s campaign as most self defeating I’ve seen but its up there. At least in these parts. I’m sure there are some out there with a budget seeking a guru who might buy into it.

In Bo’s defense, at least he puts it all out there with little obfuscation.  His goals are clear if not so much his unique innovative approach so good job there.
I do everything for my clienst to give them the best quality possible. It always needs to be superior to all competitors.

Do all your competitors always get a vote to help make sure?

If Bo is the audio messiah a clear thinking english speaking disciple is a step forward.