William Z Johnson RIP

William Z Johnson passed away December 10th. An admirable man and fellow Minnesotan. Legendary equipment designed and built with a passion for excellence.
I had the priviledge of sharing some one on one face time with him many years ago. He had a winter home in the Palm Springs area. We shared a love of tennis but never got to play that game of "mixed troubles" with our wives we talked about.

My favorite memory: I had called his company when I was thinking of getting into tubes (many years ago). They asked me if I'd like to give them my # and they would give it to him. When I got home there was already a message on my home machine from Bill inviting me over to his "winter workshop" here in the desert. I was surprised it was only 5 minutes from my house. When I drove up to the building, it said "something" other than Audio Research on it. I almost didn't go in but he met me at the door and I recognized him immediately. He said, "I had to put "that" name up there, if I put Audio Research up there, I'd never get any work done." I then spent the next few hours listening to some new designs he was working on and talking about things in general (this is where I first heard Holly Cole). There was not one word spoke about buying an AR product, just enjoying music and conversation. He treated me like an old friend.

That to me is CLASS. He was a great man.

Thanks Bill. RIP.
Wow, a legend passes on, sorry to hear about that. Never met the man but have been enjoying his products immensely and will continue to do so. He built a truly world class company from virtually nothing over 40+ years. A tough act to follow...RIP Bill.
Him and conrad johnson were the only ones making tube equipment when transistors took over. Lucky for us tube lovers they stuck with it and became very successful. He will be missed.
A true audio pioneer whose gear represents the best the world has too offer. A true audio hero. Heaven will have a better audio system.
His equipment brought me great happiness. RIP Mr Johnson. Heaven now has a wide soundstage.