Will the ipod be the death of the CD?

Tonight on NBC News a segment on the final days of "Towers Records" closing. Record retailers are going out of busines because of the ipod and digital downloading of music from the internet.

There are some who say the CD will be gone in less than 5 years.

What the heck is ipod?

How is the sound quality?

Can I connect it to my 2ch audio system?


Showing 3 responses by t_bone

Marco (Jax2) describes the issue well. I guess I am one of those convinced that CDs will probably but unfortunately be replaced by internet download services. Why unfortunately? I too like bricks & mortar browsing. My real fear is that when this happens, resolution which is as "high" as CD resolution gets ignored. However, I expect we'll be OK as there are enough of us who would complain. After all, what is the purpose of making ever higher-resolution digital recording technology if playback is restricted to 128k.

I will third the commentary about the the iPod itself not being an optimal solution. But for what it does, it's OK.

Albert, if you wanted significantly better performance from your iPod on flights (not the gym), you could try something like a battery-powered Headroom Desktop series amp with a DAC built-in. I think it would work off the digital output (cable out the bottom to USB port on DAC) thereby avoiding both the DAC and the op-amps in the iPod. Disclaimer: I have not tried them but several friends have the mobile and micro series Headroom amps (without DAC) for their iPods/headphones and think the world of them.
Marco, isn't the iPod digital in/out (the recharging and music loading in/out at the bottom of the iPod box) capable of producing a signal output? It does seem to have a USB out so one should be able to run it right into a USB-capable DAC. Thanks for the RedWineAudio idea - very interesting way to get dock functionality in a good quality package.
Thanks much Marco. All of which means the way to go in terms of sound quality might be the RedWine mod + an outboard amp...

Anyone ever tried the Red Wine Audio mod for iPod?