Will Technology Kill the Audiophile Hobby?

Imagine audio technology in 2,000 years.

Maybe your stereo is the size of a deck of cards. Speakers are invisible. Cables are not used. Active room treatment built into the walls.

Is that the end of our hobby and fascination with audio gear? 
Is our identity in the big blocks of metal and wood? What happens to us?


Showing 1 response by moofoo

2000 years in the future? Think Guardians of the Galaxy, mix-tape, cassette player....all you need to know! And a new version of Iggy and the Stooges will be plugged into intergalactic overdriven amplifiers blasting rebellion against everything, sending multi-dimensional soundwaves across the universe, while Captain Beyond jumps on a moon-beam and rides.......as some outsiders are holed-up in a cave reverse-engineering tube amps found in a scrap heap....