Will Squeezebox Touch play iTunes from USB Drive?

Can I use a bus-powered USB drive (e.g. G-Drive Mobile) with a copy of my iTunes Library (Apple Lossless) to it connected to the Squeezebox Touch?


Showing 6 responses by kr4

Yes but, depending on how big the library is, Touch's speed and convenience will be variable.

My experience is that it takes a long time to index the drive and that access time is slow. Also, it is not certain whether the Touch will power that drive.
Additional transmitter/receivers can complicate the matter. To determine if it is a wireless problem, run an ethernet cable from the SBT to the router and see if that has any interruptions.

In my case, I had to deactivate the WiFi in my PC because it interfered with the signals from my router.

It is hard to know exactly what is feeding the SBT unless you defeat one. At least, that's how I figured out my problems with a PC-based system. I have no idea what is involved with Apple stuff and I had to look up AEBS.

I have used the Touch in 3 systems, wired and wireless, and not had any problems. If you are having problems, it is external to the SBT or, possibly, you have a defective one.

Sakahara wrote: Yes, something weird is going on to have the same issue with SB3 and SBT three years apart, or both defective. What are the odds.
Odds are it is something indigenous to your system or setup. Have you streamed anything successfully with other hardware?

Are you streaming from iTunes library?
I did briefly but I do not use iTunes, in general.

What file format?