Will Quantum computing change the DAC game (in our lifetimes)?

As top-end DAC technology has crossed the $100,000 line (MSB Select II fully loaded), we owe it to ourselves to ask where the technology is going before making a very substantial investment in our never-ending quest for sonic perfection.  Is there a likelihood Quantum computing (going beyond “0” and “1”) will impact the streaming of music anytime soon?  Do we know if anyone is working on this?  Some DACs claim to be future-proofed, but I question whether any binary (0/1) digital processor would be able to accommodate quantum?  How do we quantify the risk current DAC technology becomes obsolete?  Or, is the answer simply something along the lines of that old adage “if you have to ask ...” you should have stuck to vinyl?

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

Crack me up. Like it even matters. Have you any idea how many times since 1980 we have been promised Perfect Sound Forever? The original CD itself was supposed to be Perfect Sound Forever. Now its so old its been superseded so many times you've all lost count, its had to be re-named Red Book CD, and is now even growing its own vintage appeal - a whole long montage of imagery scrolling by trying to keep you from noticing the treadmill you're running on is going nowhere.

I mean seriously, someone should start a thread attempting to list all the technologies that were supposed to finally deliver Perfect Sound Forever ..... at this point I would settle for merely good sound next year.