Will I improve HT audio with an external DAC?

Any significant benefits to buying a dac for my Panasonic DMP-BDT 210 blu ray player? I have a Creek Destiny amp and no plans to go multichannel yet. I was looking at the m1 with the idea of connecting my laptop too.
It will, but you will not be able to reap the benefits from TrueHD and DTS-HD, hence the sound from the player´s analog out might rival the dac on HD recordings.
Arni, if cd's will sound better with a dac then why wouldn't the audio from blu-rays or netflix improve? BTW I use the Panasonic for both.
If you are doing blue ray only, a regular dac does not seem to make sense. If you are doing a lot of music cds, then yes, absolutely.
Erikt, the Creek Destiny is an integrated amp, so a preamp is irrelevant.
Not sure I understand the question.

What Pre do you have the Creek Destiny amp connected to?

If you are not interested in multichannel then do you even have "HT" now?