Will I Hear A Difference?

Currently I’m using an Orbit U-Turn Turntable with an Ortofon Super OM20 Cartridge/stylus that I’ve had for approx 3 years. First utilizing it’s OM5 that it shipped with, then upped to an Super OM10, then about a year ago upped to the Super OM 20…Playback is through a Ifi Zen Phono Preamp running to a Carver Crimson 275 and playing out through Magnepan.7’s …Generally it sounds pretty good.

Recently while at a local hifi dealer I got to play around with an EAT B Sharp Turntable equipped with an Ortofon Blue on the same set of .7 Maggi’s I have and it sounded great. I loved the tonearm and the build quality.

My question is will I hear a enough difference to warrant spending the money for the upgrade. Mind you, I’ve become quite the power user at this point playing vinyl for pretty much most of my listening, often more than several hours a day. 

The Orbit has served me well but at this point I feel I’m ready for the upgrade, I know i’ll feel the build quality difference, just not sure if I’ll hear a diffrence.

Anybody have any thoughts or experiences with the EAT B Sharp they could share?




Showing 1 response by bubba12

I went from the Debut Carbon to a C Sharp and it was a great upgrade. I have very nice electronics that help though. My EAT has superb build quality. The C Sharp is great. I'm not sure about other models.